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Founding Partners
Solange Sheppy (left)
Tracy Stahl (Right)

Solange and Tracy, on a freezing, windy, sunny spring day, scoping out charity thrift and gift store sites, dreaming of fun ways to fund partner projects near Gulf Shores. 2021

Image by Jametlene Reskp

The Lord Is a Fountain of Living Water. We wash and renew our minds with the Water of the Word of God. Water represents refreshment and Life Itself. And water immersion or, baptism, signifies a partaking of the grave, sheol, resurrection, and ascension experiences of Yeshua-Jesus.

What's the story penned by Perpetua?

“You must continually be clothed with the full armor of God to enable you to stand against the strategies of the devil: because the wrestling for us is not with blood and flesh, but with the rulers, with the powers, with the world rulers of this darkness, with the spiritual forces of wickedness in the Heavenlies.”  Ephesians 6:11-12

In 203, Vibia Perpetua was a well-educated 22 year-old noblewoman studying to become a Christian. She had almost completed her studies in modern-day Tunisia, north Africa, when the Roman Empire decided to begin to make examples of those involved in the highly sought after scripture-based Lifestyle choice. Just prior to her baptism and profession of Faith, still suckling an infant, she was put on trial along with four others- one of whom, Felicity, was pregnant. For refusing to renounce their Faith, they were sentenced to a brutal execution at military games celebrating the governor’s birthday. To the cheering of crowds in a packed arena, they were gored by a bull, mauled by a leopard, and ultimately pierced through with a sword.

Addressed to those she believed would be comforted to find what was written in her journal, and publish it after her death, her last entry reads, "And I knew I should have to fight not against wild beasts but the Fiend; but I knew the victory would be mine.”

Who can say that they would keep the Faith if faced with that circumstance? On the night he was handed over to Roman soldiers by His own disciple to be crucified, knowing what would transpire, Yeshua Jesus said in prayer, “Father, if You are willing You must now take this cup from Me: nevertheless not my will, but Yours must be continually done.” Luke 22:42


Through it all, may we remember the Joy set before us, remain on Fire, and keep pouring out our lives… to see Christ rise! The name Perpetua reminds us: He suffered until He gave it all. she persevered until she gave it all. and so can we.

Perpetua's Story
Image by Hikarinoshita Hikari
Image by Marissa Rodriguez

what's your story? are you a believer, born from above?

Are you ready to be forgiven, redeemed, restored, healed, and prospered in body, soul, and spirit? in John 3:16, we find... God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that every one who believes in His Identity, Nature, Purposes, Promises, and Instruction... would not perish- in hell, apart from God, but have Eternal Life- in Heaven, joined with God. 
Are you ready to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Earth?
Pray with Him now: He's ready, too.

Your Story
Image by Roland Denes

what's the Perpetua Ministries start-up story?

“But in all these things we would have a glorious victory through the One Who Loved us. For I have been persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor present circumstances nor things coming nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from the Love of God, which Is in Messiah Yeshua Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39



Thank you for visiting us here! This is a short story about how we got started. We look forward to getting to know more about your story too!


A few years ago Tracy and Solange met in Jerusalem by Divine Appointment from God. Unable to scroll past one hotel listing on her phone upon arrival, Solange ended up in the lobby of the same hotel that Tracy was leaving. While both were waiting to get settled, they found themselves on the small deck outside talking for hours about God and Angels and Scripture and what brought them to the Holy Land. That week they visited the Wall in the Old City to pray as often as possible, shared a serendipitous Shabbat meal with a yeshiva student in the Hasidic quarter, and shopped for treasures for loved ones. Each knew they had found a sister for Life.


Upon returning to their homes, they stayed in touch. God weighed heavily on Tracy's heart to start the business organization that would fund an organization designed to support those already in ministry and those with a desire to serve. Tracy traveled from the Chicago area to Solange's native Virgin Islands for a long weekend to explore the hurricane-blasted landscape and discuss ministry opportunities in the islands, the US, and Israel. The two brainstormed on what they could offer of themselves, while they sought other like-minded selfless givers with whom to join forces, to create a TEAM that could help those who help the most.


Both continued in their own Life ministries separately for another year: Tracy finished her criminal justice degree, completed a chapter in an anthology of women writing about hope in God through all circumstances, and welcomed her 7th beautiful bouncing baby Emma into the world; and Solange continued to serve clients in writing and editing, began co-creating her first children's book, and assisted friends and family with efforts to rebuild, relocate, and restore lives on the island.


Then,  God called Solange to leave everything and serve a church in the gulf coast area of Alabama with strict instructions not to make plans in advance... to just... go in Faith. Due to extraordinary circumstances she found herself pressed to examine how she could make ends meet while making the most impact for the Kingdom of God. With countless job opportunities that made financial sense, but would leave little time to serve others, she asked God why nothing seemed to fit. And she heard Him say, "remember your ministry."


Immediately, Tracy and Solange were on the phone. Tracy was overnighting the corporate business documents; and Solange was networking at her local church to inquire about their outreach ministries and find out who needed the most support. She was blessed to find the first project for Perpetua Ministries to serve, run by Abigail Pennington- whose heart bleeds like Jesus's for the lost, hungry, hurting, and homeless. (You can read more about her and her husband's ministry here.) 


Currently, Perpetua Ministries is collating information on Great Commission-focused churches to create a database of outreach, benevolence, and discipleship programs so that those displaced from their local churches can research and join congregations with their same interests and desires to serve. (We are so grateful to Pastor Richard Ullo of Bible Baptist Church in Spanish Fort, AL for granting us the first interview and helping us outline the right questions and reference points to highlight.) Tracy is starting a Bible Study that will be live-streamed from her area. Solange is establishing a time bank in her region. And, in trust and delight, both are looking forward to walking into every victory God Has written for His people. 


Thank you for reading!


May our Heavenly Father bless, prosper, heal, and keep you, and make His Face shine to smile upon you, and be graciously and lovingly kind to you- lifting you up over His head like His precious child, and establishing His *Shalom in your life. (*His Completeness, the Atmosphere of Heaven, and an Abundance of All Good Things.)

“For we are His workmanship, as we have been created in Messiah Yeshua Jesus for good works- kind deeds, which God prepared beforehand, so that we would walk in them, the good works.”

Ephesians 2:10

Our Story
Footprints on Sand

“Now Trust- Faith

is being confident

and full of joy

of things being hoped for,

proof of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

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