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Perpetua Ministries serves as a team of practical support providers for women and their families who are pouring out their lives to see Christ rise. First, on behalf of His Bride, we commend you! You may have felt alone. We are here to help. We conduct in-depth interviews to see where we can make the most impact. We offer prayer, writing, coaching, administrative, website building and other services to those in need.


Are you in ministry? Do you serve the community you love? Would you like to create more awareness for your projects?  We're Here for you!


Read about inspiring ways to serve here:

Hibiscus Haven-

Island of St. Croix, VI

Abigail's Place-

Mobile, Alabama USA

Retired Nurses STX-

Island of St. Croix, VI

Beautiful Hibiscus Haven STX Hedges- Image by Soff Garavano Puw

We can do all things through Christ the Messiah Who strengthens us. Philippians 4:13

recently, Perpetua Ministries had the privilege of touring Hibiscus Haven, the home-based headquarters of an elderly daycare in the making, run and funded by Shelly Anslyn and her husband, in Estate La Reine on the island of Saint Croix. In its "dream-stage" the couple are building outdoor enjoyment spaces and renovating two large apartments beneath their family residence to support serving individuals in need of a safe, loving, and familiar place to spend time while their families and other caregivers are handling jobs, errands, or well-needed breaks for self-care. (Building materials are welcomed!) Right now, Hibiscus Haven has helpful homecare equipment items for lease while they are planning and strategizing in this start-up phase. If you have a love for elders and would enjoy spending time volunteering or serving in exchange for gifts of any amount, please contact Shelly Anslyn via email: to inquire about her special circle of senior caregivers who help with day-to-day tasks, cleaning, organizing, bookkeeping, overnights and more! If you have health and wellness books, tools, furnishings or equipment in good condition to share with the helpers at Hibiscus Haven, please let us know!

Hibiscus Haven
Abigail's Place
Homeless-Shopping-Cart-Homestead-Abigail's-Place-Rescue-Shed-SteadImage by Nick Bolton share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring the poor, who are cast out, to your house... Isaiah 58:7 

recently, Perpetua Ministries had the privilege of touring the "shed-stead" run and funded by Abigail Pennington and her husband, housing a small community of people they found living in their vehicles or on the streets. The couple are on-call as part of an Alabama Gulf Coast area support network serving individuals in dire circumstances on their paths back to hope in the bright future God has planned for them. Labor and materials of all kinds are on their wish list. And 100 $33 monthly partners would cover current build-outs and allow them to duplicate their efforts at another property.

Retired Nurses STX

The Lord will command a blessing you in your storehouses and in all you undertake; and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Deuteronomy 28:8

recently, Perpetua Ministries had the privilege of meeting with the board members of the "Retired Nurses of St. Croix" run and funded by members' efforts through food sales, prize drawings, and other family-friendly gatherings. In addition to former nurses, all former healthcare providers with a heart to serve the community are encouraged to join. Funds raised help provide resources for members and the public in times of extra need due to health events.  The group is gearing up to get back to their blood pressure check stations and senior care calls to share health tips and comfort. Currently, they are looking to expand their efforts to bring more opportunities to fellowship and find ways to utilize the gifts and talents of each member to promote wellness and elevate the quality of Life for all islanders. Can you cook? Do you drive? Is there a special skill you can teach? Do you love organizing parties? Would you like to do more to thank first responders? Do you have an idea for a service we can provide? You are being called! Meetings are FREE the 3rd Wednesdays at Red Cross on Centerline Road near Sunny Isle Shopping Center. Speakers are welcome to present by invitation: Text Mrs. Hobson at 340-643-1244 for more information. Love Gifts of any amount can be allocated per your special request details.

If you're interested in extending the reach of your ministry project to better serve your community, and you'd like to be interviewed to see if you could be a fit for a feature on the Perpetua Ministries SERVE page: we welcome you to ENGAGE. For a complimentary consultation or to schedule an appointment for assistance with your writing, grass roots and word-of-mouth marketing, administrative and other projects: we'd love to see how we might be able to PARTNER with you and your organization.

*You will jump to our page at
Cornerstone Christian Church to give.
We thank God for you!~
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